We provide you with CONTINEW Connectors to allow automated and continuous source code deposit to the main developer tools.

  • Bitbucket integration connecteur escrow software entiercement logiciel


    Git based source code repository hosting and collaboration tool, built for teams. For development teams using Jira and Trello, Bitbucket provide native integrations.

  • GitHub integration connecteur escrow software entiercement logiciel


    Hosting and development management platform used to host and review code, manage projects, and build software. World leader, it is used by 80 million developers.
  • Gitlab integration connecteur escrow software entiercement logiciel


    GitLab is an open source end-to-end software development platform for hosting Git projects on private or public servers with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, CI/CD.

  • CVS integration connecteur escrow software entiercement logiciel


    Solution for backup and recovery of different source code development versions.

  • Mercurial integration connecteur escrow software entiercement logiciel


    Free source control management tool for projects of any size. Simple and intuitive interface.

  • Microsoft Azure integration connecteur escrow software entiercement logiciel

    Microsoft Azure

    Cloud computing service for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers.

  • Apache Subversion integration connecteur escrow software entiercement logiciel

    Apache Subversion

    Solution for maintaining current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages and documentation.

  • AWS CodeCommit integration connecteur escrow software entiercement logiciel

    AWS CodeCommit

    A version control service hosted by Amazon Web Services used to privately store and manage assets such as documents, source code, and binaries in the cloud.

  • Visual Studio integration connecteur escrow software entiercement logiciel

    Visual Studio

    Microsoft's integrated development environment used to develop computer programs as well as websites, web applications, web services, and mobile applications.

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CONTINEW solutions

Developers / Editors

Answer to your customers' source deposit requirements made easy and effective.

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Specific developments users

Ensure availability and sustainability of purchased software and specific development.

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Equipment or System users

Manage for the long term equipment and systems outside the direct control of your company.

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How to set up a connector?


Activate an integration

Log in to your customer area

Access your folder

Choose the relevant folder

Click on «Create the connector»

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Connector settings

Select the platform from the drop-down list

List the urls needed in your deposit



Well done!

Connector is set up

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